Top 10 TV Character Fashion Idols

The style of a TV character can set trends emulated across the world, but for me when I admire the style of a TV character it’s more about how their wardrobe contents express their personality and how they wear the clothes. I like outfits that you see and say “oh that’s SO them”. I like outfits that I would probably look terrible in, but look amazing on them. And I definitely like outfits that shouldn’t work, but they somehow do. So don’t go expecting any Sex in the City ladies, Mad Men (though I loved the style of MM) or Rachel Green entries in this list of my personal favourite female TV character fashion idols. It’s an eclectic mix from over several decades, so I hope you enjoy some of the fashions. Oh and let me know, who your favourites are.

  • Sharon from Catastrophe

Not only is Catastrophe one of the best sitcoms to have come out of the UK in the past few years (it would be in my 20 favourite sitcoms if my blog post here went up to that number), but it also features the very stylish (and relatable) Sharon. She is all about clashing patterns and bold colours and ALWAYS looks great. How many people could rock a transparent yellow bra?





  • Ilana from Broad City

What I absolutely love about Ilana’s style is how it exudes her confidence. Now, I would look like a freaking mess if I wore any of her outfits, but Ilana just looks effortlessly cool. Or beautiful. Or dapper. Her style is so versatile and lively, and I love it. I mean Cheerios leggings, anyone? Plus she still looks good with a stain permanently on *that* white jacket. Also, kudos to Abbie who also always looks fantastic. As a side note, you won’t find on TV a better representation of female friendship than these two.









  • Diane Lockhart from The Good Wife

Now if you think that anyone’s style says female power dressing better than Diane Lockhart’s then I’m just going to assume that you’re lying. Her image is flawless. It is perfection. Her style somehow gives you class, intelligence, elegance and “this is a woman not to be messed with” vibes all at the same time. When I grow up (not likely to happen any time soon), I want to be as cool as Diane. Also, you’d have thought after all those years of working together Diane’s sense of style would’ve rubbed off on Alicia. As much as I loved Alicia her style was always woeful.






  • Aunt Polly from Peaky Blinders

Talking about women not to be messed with I present you with the glorious Aunt Polly. Man, this women can look stylish even when she’s got someone else’s blood on her attire. I adore 1920s fashion, so Aunt Polly’s style is right up my street.







  • Denise Huxtable from The Cosby Show

Anyone who remembers the 80s/90s well, will remember that Denise Huxtable (and Lisa Bonet) were the epitome of cool. Well, at least I used to think so. Never would I ever be as cool as her, so instead I used to admire the way she just seemingly chucked a load of clothes on her and the ensemble somehow always looked immaculate. I give you 80s boho chic whatever.







  • Jessa from Girls

Yet another on my list that exudes confidence in whatever she wore and only she could have got away with her chosen attire. Jessa often made her hairstyles a great accessory to her outfits. Plaits, hair swept to one side, tied up or just messy, her hair always looked stunning.







  • Sybil Fawlty from Fawlty Towers

You cannot be surprised that Sybil is on my list, surely? The woman was an awe-inspiring, delightfully bold and delectable slick with her choice of outfits. She still managed to look stylish in rollers and her nightgown. The hair with a streak of blonde at the front, the make-up with bright blue eye shadow and eyeliner, all finished off with a cigarette permanently in hand. Just perfect.


Fawlty Towers - Sibyl

fawlty towers 3






  • Myrtle Snow from American Horror Story: Coven

Notice how so many of these incredibly stylish women on this list are women you would not want to pick a fight with. Step forward, Myrtle Snow. Her name suits her style. Quirky, but oh so fabulously and outrageously divine. She even styled out being burnt alive for gawd’s sake [Spoiler soz]








  • Tracey from Chewing Gum

I’m a big fan of this show and I’m a big fan of girl-next-door Tracey’s style. It’s all bright colours, lots of fun and cutesy plaits and she carries it off effortlessly. In real life, the stunning Michaela Cole (who plays Tracey and who I have bit of a girl crush on) is equally dapper and wears clothes her evidently very clever Mum makes her.





  • Mylene from The Get Down

Oh Mylene not only do you have the most amazing singing voice, but you really do have the most amazing wardrobe. I’m all about 70’s fashion. Not so much the flared jeans and shapeless floor length dresses, but more for the fantastic prints and patterns. Everything Mylene wears I WOULD wear. Clearly, I wouldn’t look quite as stunning as she does (though let’s admit it I would look pretty fantastic), but I’d be vey happy indeed if I had all of her wardrobe contents. From 70s school girl chic to glamorous singer, Mylene always looks incredible.









Captura de pantalla (958)

So that’s it, my top ten female TV character fashion idols. My favourite would probably be between Myrtle Snow and Mylene. Though a thought has just come to me…how could I forget Bet Lynch?




Just Another Book Club- August Book

Please leave your comments below or within the appropriate post on my Facebook page. Please feel free to peruse other people’s comments and respond to them.

Hotel Alpha by Mark Watson



Set in a high class London hotel over several decades, this book is told from two different viewpoints. Graham, a loyal, hardworking and traditional concierge and Chas, the hotel owner’s blind adopted son. Both characters have an idolised opinion of Howard, the charismatic owner of Hotel Alpha. But, is everything as it seems at the Hotel Alpha and is Howard everything people believe him to be?

Written by British stand-up comedian Mark Watson, the book also contains short stories at the end of the book and online about smaller characters from the main story,

My Quick Review

To my surprise, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I’m not sure why I would be so surprised, maybe because it didn’t “grab me” within the first few pages, but I soon found myself turning the pages quite quickly and wanting to learn more about the hotel and the characters within.

I liked Mark Watson’s focus on his characters. This was a book that was both character and storyline led. I do feel the former was slightly stronger than the latter though. Whilst I was gripped by this book and desperate to find out the hotel’s secrets, I couldn’t help, but feel slightly disappointed when I found out these secrets. I had felt that I knew them already and that there wasn’t a shocking “big reveal”. The only true secret that was revealed, was that Lara and Ella were in a relationship, which really wasn’t much of a juicy secret for me. It smacked of “and guess what, she was GAY” shock horror! It was a weak big reveal.

There was also quite a big unanswered question (unless I missed it) with regards to Graham’s future. Was he intending to just leave Pattie at the end? He said he was going off to find Agatha, but never said what was going to happened to his relationship with Pattie? Was he going to leave her, then look for Agatha? Was he going to find Agatha first, then decide if he wanted to leave Pattie? Shouldn’t he have left her a long time ago as the author made it so patently clear that he was unhappy with her? Was Graham after all not-so-perfect as the book liked to depict?

I did like how the ending tied up nicely with finally bringing Graham in to the present. I felt quite affectionate towards Graham’s lack of enthusiasm for the modern age, but it was quite a relief when he relented in the end.

I loved all the historical references and nostalgia throughout the book. Many of which I can clearly remember. However, would the book have had as much of a story without the heavy referencing of them. Did these real life events help the author build his story? This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it is something that constantly propped the book up throughout.

Here’s another big question. Should Graham have actually revealed the truth? Is this a lie that was best left untold? And was it selfish of Graham to tell the truth? I can’t help, but think he did it as he couldn’t stand keeping it to himself any more. It was a relief for him. I’m not convinced he did it solely as he believed it was the right thing to do. Perhaps Chas did deserve to know the truth though.

Howard was absolutely an awful man, BUT he did do his absolute best to make amends with Chas. He brought him up as his own son and clearly loved him deeply. This brings me back to my question as to whether Graham should have told the truth. Did Howard deserve this? Possibly. It was the past catching up with him after all, but he did do his best at trying to redeem himself through Chas.

I’m not really sure I saw the point of the storyline surrounding Graham’s son. It did illustrate how technology was progressing and how that affected people’s jobs, but it generally didn’t hold much interest for me. It also irritated me that Graham seemed to go out of his way far more for Chas than he did for his own son. I can see his reasons for doing that at times, but his lack of fully invested parental interest in his own children was annoying. This also backs up my opinion that Graham was not-so-perfect.

It was really interesting to learn through this book what daily support a blind person needs and how much technology helped Chas. Whilst Graham saw technology as something to be resisted and only saw it through a negative light, technology was nothing but a positive presence in Chas’s life. This offered an interesting juxtaposition between the two characters and their viewpoints. This may be seen as an obvious comparison to make, but I still liked the point it was trying to empathise.

I loved the extra short stories at the end of the book. This was a refreshing idea from the author. It illustrated the convoluted nature of relationships and how nothing is as it seems on first impression. Briefly focussing on characters who had a connection with the main characters of the book and telling their stories helped bring Hotel Alpha alive, which after all was the biggest character of the book in the end.

Overall and despite its flaws, I found Hotel Alpha a very enjoyable and readable book that is worth investing your time in.

The online extra Hotel Alpha short stories can be found here.

Questions to Consider

You don’t have to answer these questions in your comments, but they might help to get you thinking about the book or to prompt a discourse.

1. The Hotel Alpha is full of secrets. Which made the biggest impression on you and why?

2. How would you describe the sense of place in Hotel Alpha, and would you say the hotel becomes a character in its own right?

3. Did your attitude to the characters remain consistent throughout the novel, or did your loyalties shift as you read? Which character provoked the strongest reaction from you?

4. How did the author create Chas’s point of view, given that he is blind and unable to describe things visually? Did you find this effective?

5. ‘In Howard’s own opinion, luck was not a whimsical force which flitted in and out of lives. It was a commodity: something you could make or buy.’ To what extent do you agree with Howard’s view that we make our own luck?

6. How does meeting Kathleen affect Chas and his relationships with others? What did you make of their love story?

7. A pivotal theme of the novel is the rise of technology and the internet. In what ways does the digital revolution aid and thwart the characters?

8. ‘I have heard it said that adversity is the truest test of character, and that the greatest people turn disaster into opportunity.’ Graham is talking about Howard here, but is this also true of other characters? Who else turns adversity to their advantage, and did you find them stronger or weaker for it?

9. Mark Watson is a stand-up comedian as well as a novelist. Would you describe Hotel Alpha as a tragedy or a comedy? In what ways do you think being a stand-up comedian might influence Mark Watson’s writing?

10. ‘I had seen a great many odd sights in the Alpha. That man who broke the door of Room 25, and his wife who hurled her wedding ring up into the balconies; a demonstration of a chemical mixture which, injected into the body of a dead person, could preserve their organs for hundreds of years; the American astronaut who was first to walk on the Moon.’ Some of these incidents, and many more, appear in the one hundred extra stories that accompany the novel and can be found at Have you read any of these stories and, if not, do you plan to discover them now you’ve read the novel? What do you make of the author’s decision to continue the story of Hotel Alpha online and how might this affect the reader’s experience of the novel?

September’s book is Irresistible” by Adam Alter. I’ll be starting the conversation for this on Monday 2nd October.

For a list of all the other books we’ll be reading this year, please click here.